Natasha Shaw

Your Name: Natasha Shaw

Nickname: Tash

What Aboriginal land you are on: Booroodabin

I am a social worker with nearly 15 years of experience across the United Kingdom, Western Australia, and Queensland. Throughout my career, I have held roles as a case manager in mental health, foster and kinship care, child protection, and as a Specialist Support Coordinator and Leader within the NDIS sector.

My strong sense of empathy allows me to use compassion to build positive relationships enabling me to assist others alongside their journey. I’m really enthusiastic and passionate in identifying core issues and collaborating to create strategies and implementations.

Fun Fact about yourself: In my spare time, I am a Brazilian Samba dancer, and on weekends you may find me

participating in competitions and performing at local events!

My favourite animal cats, and I absolutely love my two cats.

Areas of Practice:

I have strong interest in how disability and/or trauma can influence behaviours,

communication and responses, and are passionate in using a strengths-based

approach to empower individuals into recognising their potential, promoting growth

and positive change.