Akintayo Imoh Akinola
Your Name: Akintayo Imoh Akinola
Nickname: Imoh
What Aboriginal land you are on: Booroodabin
Imoh has extensive experience working within the NDIS sector as a Specialist Support Coordinator. Imoh has experience working with young people, adults and children with various diagnoses. Previously Imoh was a Social Worker in a high school and a settlement case worker for new migrants into Australia.
He has worked mainly within a person-centred / Strength based framework across various roles inclusive of community and forensic settings.
Imoh has a particular interest working with participants with psychosocial disabilities to support them to foster their self-esteem, self image, interaction with the community and in the development of healthy relationships across all facets of their lives.
Fun Fact about yourself: Imoh likes to meditate daily and moved to Australia in 2018.
Areas of Practice:
Psychosocial Disabilities
Autism and ADHD
Complex Mental Health